Academic Excellence

A U.S. Government study has shown that 70% of all students who join a Greek organization on campus graduate. This is in contrast to all of the students who decide not to join a Greek organization which resulted in a 50% graduation rate. Many attribute this statistic to the camaraderie and accountability that Greek organization members are held to during their college years.

One of Delta Chi's values is the belief in the acquisition of a sound education. The reason you chose to go to college was to get an education, and Delta Chi has consistently helped to make that happen. Whether it is forming study groups, mentoring from upperclassmen, or exchanging note files, Delta Chi can provide the support network that you need. Success breeds success.

Locally, we have implemented an academic excellence program that is not only designed to ensure that members are making good grades but reward members for their outstanding grades. Members are encouraged to turn in their grades to the Academic Chairman every month. Members who have submitted excellent grades are selected from a drawing to receive a reward that varies from month to month. Members with excellent grades are also recognized at the beginning of each semester and at Delta Chi parents weekend in front of all their family and friends.